Saturday, July 27, 2013

DNS Server using BIND on CentOS 6.4 - 4

Part IV  DNS Security
l  Chapter 13 TSIG and DNSSEC
l  Chapter 14 RNDC service
l  Chapter 15 Some DNS Security Issues
l  Chapter 16 DNS Cache Poisoning

Chapter 13 TSIG and DNSSEC
1.TSIG: Transaction Signatures
a. Authenticates DNS messages by signing them with a shared symmetric key
Secure access control mechanism
Guarantees message not altered in transit
b. Requires clocks to be synchronized between communicating machines
    ex) using NTP server
2. Installing TSIG Keys
a. Generate a key with dnssec-keygen
b. Use key directive to install and name the key on both machines
The name must be the same both places
c. Only named on the two servers should know the key!
Configure key in a file with secure permissions and use include
3. How to use TSIG
a. Create TSIG symmetric keys
# dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST
# ls  /etc/named/
b. Add Key to /etc/named.conf on Master and Slave server
# vi  /etc/named.conf   (Master)
 key “” {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret “24XuKLUSdkQYjbDXw7Z48g==”;
# vi /etc/named.conf      (Slave)
key “” {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret “24XuKLUSdkQYjbDXw7Z48g==”;
server {
          keys {; };
c. Permit allow-transfer using TSIG key on Master
zone "" IN {
          type master;
          file "";
          allow-transfer { key; };
d. Dynamic DNS update using TSIG key
 zone “" IN {
        type master;
        file “";
        allow-update { key; };
Chapter 14 RNDC Service
1. RNDC Service
      A name server control utility that comes along with the bind package
      Uses digital signature to communicate with name servers
      Be used to reload configuration file and zones, flush DNS cache
2. RNDC Configuration on Master nameesrver
a.Create new key using rndc-confgen
# rndc-confgen –a –b 256 –k rndc-key
b. Create rndc.conf
key "rndc-key" {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret "uAJDgQqSXujG/91/O7KyxcgUwtyNoZCUgagnZp7Cy2k="; };
options {
 default-key "rndc-key";
 default-port 953;  };
c. Edit /etc/named.conf
key "rndc-key" {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret "uAJDgQqSXujG/91/O7KyxcgUwtyNoZCUgagnZp7Cy2k=";
  controls {
          inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndc-key; }; };
# service named restart
# rndc status
3. RNDC Configuration on Master and Slave nameserver
3.1 On Slave nameserver
a. Create new remote key using dnssec-keygen
# dnssec-keygen –a HMAC-MD5 –b 128 –n HOST remote-key
b. Create rndc.conf (/etc/rndc.conf)
key "remote-key" {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret "uAJDgQqSXujG/91/O7KyxcgUwtyNoZCUgagnZp7Cy2k=";
server {
          key ”remote-key”;
3.2 On Master nameserver (/etc/named.conf)
key "remote-key" {
          algorithm hmac-md5;
          secret "uAJDgQqSXujG/91/O7KyxcgUwtyNoZCUgagnZp7Cy2k=";
  controls {
          inet allow {; } keys { remote-key; };
# rndc reload
4. How to use RNDC
a. Basic usage
# rndc –s reload
# rndc –s reload localhost
# rndc –s status  refresh  halt 
# rndc –s querylog on
b. Usage for Dynamic DNS
# rndc –s freeze         //suspend updates to all dynamic zones.
# rndc –s reload
# rndc –s thaw      //enable and reload updates to all dynamic zones

c. Updating zone keys
# vi /etc/named.conf
zone "" IN {
            type master;
            file "";
            auto-dnssec allow or maintain;
            update-policy {
                    grant zonesub ANY; };
# rndc –s sign [in internal]
# rndc –s validation on

Chapter 15 Some BIND Security Issues
1. Bind version information
      BIND leaks version information through built-in CH TXT resource records
      Best way to block is to use a custom view to suppress all CH records
$ host -c chaos -t txt version.bind
$ dig txt chaos version.bind
# vi /etc/named.conf
Options {
   version “Who are you“;
2. Restricting queries in a particular zone
BIND also allow you to apply an access control list to a particular zone. In this case, just use allow-query as a substatement to the zone statement for the zone you want to protect:
    acl  “mylist“ { 192.168.0/24; 127/8; };
    zone “" {
          type slave;
          file “";
          masters {; };
          allow-query { “mylist"; };
3. use-id-pool
      introduced in BIND 8.2
      tells our name server to take special care to use random message IDs in queries.
      the message IDs aren't random enough to prevent brute-force attacks that try to guess the IDs our name server has outstanding in order to spoof a response
options {
          use-id-pool yes;
4. Query number restriction
§  The number of recursive query to allow at the same time (1000)
§  The number of tcp query to allow at the same time (100)
Options {
          recursive-clients 3000;
          tcp-clients 2000;
5. Useful websites for DNS

Chapter 16 DNS Cache Poisoning

1.DNS spoofing (DNS cache poisoning): a computer hacking attack, whereby data is introduced into a DNS name server's cache database, causing the name server to return an incorrect IP address, diverting traffic to attacker’s computer
2. Solutions
a.     Use up-to-date BIND version
b.     DNSSEC – use authentication
c.      Randomize UDP source port
Part V  DNS GUI Tools
l  Chapter 17 Webmin
l  Chapter 18 DnsBindEditor

Chapter 17 WebMIN
1. What is Webmin?
      web-based interface for system administration for Unix.
      Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS,file sharing and  much more.
      removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd
      lets you manage a system from the console or remotely
2. Donwload
# rpm –Uvh webmin-1.630-1.noarch.rpm
3. How to use WebMIN
Login as a root

Chapter 18 DnsBindEditor
1. What is DnsBindEditor?
l  BIND Easy Editor
l  Commercial version, support trial version for 30 days
2. Donwload the package
3. How to configure DnsBindEditor
a. Get evaluation license for DnsBindEditor from website
b. How to install
# chmod 755 dns-bind-editor-linux-jvm-x32-installer-2.3.0
# cp dns-bind-editor-linux-jvm-x32-installer-2.3.0 /usr/local/src
# ./dns-bind-editor-linux-jvm-x32-installer-2.3.0

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