Saturday, July 27, 2013

Mail Server using Postfix on CentOS 6.4 - 3

Part 5
l  Chapter 12 Postfix Authentication with SASL
l  Chapter 13 Postfix Authentication with TLS
Chapter 12  Postfix Authentication using SASL
1. Why to use SASL Authentication?
§  uses the $mynetworks parameter to control access who send or relay mail through the mail server.
§  for mobile users that wish to use the mail server whilst away from base
§  need a mechanism to authenticate them as trusted users so that they are able to send mail through the mail server.
§  SASL(Simple Authentication and Security Layer) provides a mechanism of authenticating users using username and password
§  the most well known implementation of SASL is provided by Cyrus SASL library
2. SASL Layers
consists of three layers authentication interface, mechanism and method
2.1 Authentication interface
§  Client and server exchange data to process ahthentication
§  This communication takes place in the authentication interface
§  SASL  leaves this to their specific communication protocol such as SMTP, IMAP or LDAP
Ex) # telnet 25
2.2 Mechanism (/etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf)
§    represent the second layer of SASL
§    determine the verification strategy used during authentication
  anonymous: allow anonymous access, Postfix does not offer this access
  plaintext: require the clients to calculate a Base64 encoded string of the username and password , PLAIN and LOGIN
  shared secret: based upon the assumption client and server both share a secret using Challenge and Response, CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5
2.3 Method (/etc/sysconfig/saslauthd)
§  Represented by libraries in Cyrus SASL
§  Access data stores, which Cyrus SASL not only refers to as methods but also as authentication backends.
  rimap: remote imap, enable SASL to log in to an IMAP server
  ldap: queries LDAP server to verify username and password
  kerberos: uses the popular Kerberos method and checks kerberos ticket
  Getpwent/shadow: access your system’s user password database
  pam: accesses any PAM module to verify authentication request
  sasldb: reads and even writes to Cyrus SASL’s database called sasldb2
  sql: uses SQL queries to access various SQL servers such as MySQL and PostgreSQL

2.4 Password verification service
  saslauthd: a standalone daemon, handles only plaintext mechanisms
  auxprop: auxiliary property plugins, represents a library used by the server offering authentication, handles plaintext and shared secret
  authdaemond: to use Courier’s authdaemond as password verifier, deal only plaintext mechanisms.

2.5 Configuration for Mechanism and Password service (/etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf)
 a.  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
      mech_list: plain login
 b.  pwcheck_method: auxprop
      mech_list: plain login cram-md5 digest-md5
2.6 Saslauthd  in /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd
a. # saslauthd –a shadow
b. # saslauthd –a  rimap –O

3. To find what SASL implementation are complied into Postfix
# postconf -a                    //SASL support in the SMTP server
# postconf -A                   //SASL support in the SMTP+LMTP client
4. Postfix Configuration in /etc/postfix/
# sasl authentication
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
5. Dovecot configuration
# vi /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf
service auth {
   unix_listener auth-userdb {
    # Postfix smtp-auth
    unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
      mode = 0666
# service postfix restart
# service dovecot restart
6. SASL Testing
a. Testing Cyrus SASL Authentication
# saslpasswd2  -c tland
# sasl2-sample-server  –s rcmd –p 8000       
In the other console
# sasl2-sample-client –s rcmd –p 8000 –m PLAIN
please enter an authentication id:  tland
# saslauthd –a shadow ; ps –ef | grep sasl
# testsaslauthd –u linux –p linux1234
b. Testing SMTP AUTH
# perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64("\000linux\000linux1234");'
# telnet server 25
ehlo localhost
auth plain AHRlc3QAdGVzdDEyMzQ=
235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
# tail –f /var/log/maillog
c. Testing using Wireshark

Chapter 13  Postfix Authentication using SSL/TLS
1. Why to use TLS Authentication?
a. SMTP AUTH using plaintext mechanisams is not really safe
b. The string is merely encoded and not encrypted
c. TLS encrypts the transmission of the encoded string
2. Using TLS
a. Creating SSL certificate
# cd /etc/pki/tls/certs ; make server.key
# openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key                //remove passpharse
# make server.csr
# openssl x509 -in server.csr -out server.crt -req -signkey server.key -days 365
b. Postfix configuration (/etc/postfix/
i) Only TLS
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.key
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous, noplaintext
smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_tls_security_level = may                               //replace smtpd_use_tls=yes
smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1
smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/spool/postfix/smtpd_tls_cache
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes                                        //hide sasl  auth
ii) TLS with SASL
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_tls_auth_only = no

d. TLS Testing on SMTP
# telnet sever 25
3. Dovecot configuration
# vi /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-master.conf
#unix_listener auth-userdb {
#mode = 0600
#user = postfix
#group =  postfix
inet_listener imaps {
 port = 993
 ssl = yes
# vi /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf
  ssl = yes
  ssl_cert_file = </etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt
  ssl_key_file = </etc/pki/tls/certs/server.key
  ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2
# service dovecot restart
# service postfix restart
. Client configuration for Dovecot support
Server setting:  Port 993, Security settings -> SSL/TLS, Normal password
Outgoing server: STARTLS, no authentication
b. Microsoft Outlook: Tools-> Change->MoreSettings-> Advanced
l  IMAP: 993, SSL
l  SMTP: 25, TLS
# tail –f /var/log/maillog

5. Testing TLS on Dovecot and Wireshark

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